I feel like going shopping쇼핑 하고 싶다.I feel like a million bucks기분 죽이는데?I feel like some coffee커피 좀 마시고 싶습니다.I feel like going for a walk산책하고 싶습니다.I feel like throwing up토할 것 같아요I feel like I need some fresh air신선한 공기좀 마시고 싶어요I feel like a brand new man완전히 새로운 사람이된 기분입니다.I feel like drinking some water물을 좀 마시고 싶어요I feel like listening to classical music클래식 음악을 듣고 싶어요I feel like drinking한잔 하고 싶어요
Houw was your weekend?주말에 어땠어?How was your blind date?소개팅 어땠어?How was it?그거 어땠어?How was the weather yesterday?어제 날씨는 어땠어?How was the movie last night?어제 영화 어땠어?How was your pizza?피자 어땠어?How was your first class?첫 수업 어땠어?How was your interview?인터뷰는 어땠어?How was your trip to china?중국 여행 어땠어?How was the weather yesterday in Seoul?어제 서울의 날시는 어땠어요?How were your grades?너의 학교 성적은 어땠니?
I'm afraid + 주어 + 동사의 문형 I'm afraid it is ture 유감 스럽지만 사실입니다. I'm afraid it is going to rain 유감스럽지만 비가 올 것 같다. I'm afraid I can accept your invitation. 유감스럽지만 당신의 조댕에 응할 수 없네요 I'm afraid I can't help you 유감스럽지만 도와드릴 수가 없네요 I'm afraid there was a mistake 죄송하지만 실수가 있었던 것 같습니다. I'm afraid it's going to rain 비가 올것 같은데요
it'll take about an hour to get there 약 한시간쯤 걸릴 겁니다. it takes about two hours to finish it 그것을 끝내려면 약 두시간 걸린다. it takes a week to prepare erverything 모든 것을 준비하려면 일주일 걸린다. it'll take about an hour to get there 차로 거기에 가는 데는 한시간쯤 걸릴 것이다. it takes more practice to be luent. 유창해 지려면 연습이 더 필요하다.
It's time to~ ~를 할 시간이다.It's time to wake up일어날 시간이야!It's time to learn English여어배울 시간이야!It's time to start시작할 시간이야!Run, Finish, ExerciseIt's time to have a breakIt's time to go to bedIt's time to have a meetingIt's time to have a lunchIt's time tohave some snacks
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- 소자본창업
- wings of war
- 이사비용
일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
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